Tuesday, May 27, 2008

my little big girl bed

Myla got a big girl bed yesterday. She slept in it for a nap and overnight yesterday. She did very well, only getting out of her bed 1 during nap time. I quickly went in and put her back in bed.
Lance and I have been working towards this change for a while now. We started by buying her a "Elmo gets a Big bed" book, which nicly described how Elmo moved out of his crib and into a bed. We read it often and talked with Myla about her getting a big girl bed. Then Myla and I went and picked out special fabric for new sheets. She choose an Elmo pattern and I a cute strip pattern. She really dug the new sheets Mommy made and pulled them out of the shelf often to show off.
Then about 2 weeks ago, we set up the frame of her new big girl bed in her room and allowed her to play and get used to it. We have also been really trying to talk up the big change. So Saturday night I thought ok Myla is ready and now I am finally ready for the big bed. So we made a big deal of getting her new bed ready and emptying out the crib. We cleaned and got her new bed all set up. And she did great!! Lance and I were so proud of her for making such a big transition so well. Our little girl is growing up very fast, good thing we have another babe on the way to do this all over again with.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Oh, she is getting so big! I had no doubt that she'd do well. I'm not ready to give up the crib yet!