Monday, April 4, 2011

chicken pox

The chicken poxes have landed on the kiddos!!! YEAH! We did not vaccinate the kid against the Chicken poxes, hoping and purposfully trying to have the kids get them naturally. We exposed them to other kids with the poxes last fall and nothing panned out. Then last Sunday we noticed some weird spots on Myla's back, they did not look like typical pox spots. I had my Mom and sister-in-law take a look and we were all baffled. So we took her in to make sure it was nothing crazy and found out it was indeed chicken poxes. We were very pleased to get the kids natural exposure to this virus!

So we have been home bound for a week and will probably continue that pattern as Van got spots on Wednesday. This has been a slow moving virus with new spots all the time, but lucky it is only a few spots at a time. The kids have been troopers and are enjoying time in our new house.

WHAT WE HAVE DONE- 504 piece puzzle, 300 piece puzzle, homemade brownies, play do, lots of biking and walking outside, watched Tangled about 100 times so far, Easter art, listening,dancing and singing with Michael Jackson, crazy 8's, pretty, pretty princess games, chalk art outside and Myla has been letting me do lots of fun stuff with her hair. Enjoy the pictures!!!

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