Friday, January 9, 2009

Van 3 months old and his sissy

Van is now just a little over 3 months old. He seems as if he has turned a corner recently and become a super fun baby to be around. Van loves his big Sissy Myla-as soon as she comes by Van starts smiling and is totally engaged in Myla's actions. Van also loves kisses from his Mom-he smiles and coos at me.
Van is enjoying the wonderful world of baths. Now that he is cast free, we have been giving him baths, with Myla, nearly every night. He really enjoys the tub and water. It is a precious moment to seeing your children take a bath together.
And Myla, as you can see above she is a little entertainer. She is currently learning to use the potty like a big girl and succeeding pretty well. If she can stay accident free for 24 days in a row, we will spend the night at the waterpark in town. Myla loves the waterpark and is trying very hard to be a big girl.

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